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iBOTZ - Build your own robot

The iBOTZ range of robots provide an excellent introduction to the world of robotics and the electronics that make a robot tick.

In the instruction booklet contained in many of the iBOTZ kits is lots of information about how your robot works, and what each of the components do.

If you would like to explore a bit further about how to identify the value of a resistor, or ever wondered what happens when you connect a resistor and a capacitor to each other, then we may be able to help.

Check out the following web pages for more information and interactive demonstrations (we'll be adding more soon):

You may also find the following websites interesting. Either browse through them, or use the search facility:

  • How Stuff Works website - if you have ever wondered how anything works, try this site out. We use it all the time...
  • Molecular Expressions™ website - packed with information and interactives on the science of electricity, magnetism and very small things...

Puzzle me this...

Fancy a brainteaser? Click on the puzzle opposite to mix the pieces, then click on a piece to slide it into the space until you get back to the original picture...

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